poem form 2 I WONDER










  • "Questions are the answers." Similarly, life is full questions that seek answers especially for a child.
  • The poem I Wonder is a poem about a rather intelligent and perceptive child who is curious about her surroundings.
  • In this poem, the child is curious about the elements of nature. Throughout the poem, the child's inquisitiveness is displayed through her questions about things which most of us have probably taken for granted.
  • She is keen to seek answers to questions such as 'why the grass is green' and 'why the wind is never seen?'. As she looks at the trees, she wonders who taught the birds to build their nests. She also intelligently deduces that when the wind stops, the trees can actually take a break.
  • As she looks up into the sky, she has more questions about the moon, stars, lightning and rainbow. She wonders why the shape of the moon is never the same and wonders what happens to the missing parts when the moon is half or crescent-shaped.
  • Next, she ponders over the twinkling stars and likens them to a candle that gives light and wonders who lights them up 'why they blow out?'.
  • She is further intrigued and wants to  know who causes the lightning to flash.
  • Later, when she looks at the white clouds, she wonders why they are so soft and fluffy and who hangs them up so high.
  • The child is also curious to know that after a downpour, who paints the seven colors of the rainbow. 
  • Since most of her questions have gone unanswered by adults, we see that towards the end of the poem, she shows her annoyance at her father because he fails to feed her curiosity and does not provide answers to her questions.


  • It is natural that a child seeks answers to questions about their natural surroundings.
  • The poet believes that a child's curiosity should be encouraged and not ignored as that is when learning takes place.
  • In this poem, the poet has successfully portrayed how a child views nature and its elements. Even though some questions posed by children can be challenging for adults to answer, we as adults must seek to educate children to appreciate nature especially in making them realize that nature is created by our Creator--God.


  • The setting of the poem is outdoors. Most probably, the poet is in a park and nature has captured her imagination.
  • As the day progresses, she makes her observations. First, she notices the green grass and feels the soft wind blowing. When the wind blows, the trees sway and when the wind stops, the trees rest.
  • Next, she looks at the clear skies and the fluffy clouds. Later, when it rains, lightning flashes across the sky and soon after, she sees a beautiful rainbow.
  • When night time comes, the stars and the moon light up the night.sky.


  • The speaker or persona in this poem is most probably a child.
  • The poem starts with the pronoun 'I' in the first sentence. Hence the poem is written in the first person. 


Nature Does Not Work Alone

  • The poet wants us to know that there are many elements in nature that do not work alone.
  • In fact, these elements work together and that is why nature is beautiful and awesome. Some of these elements are found in the sky such as the moon, stars, clouds, rainbow and lightning.

Nature-God's Awesome Creation

  • The poet also wants us to realize that nature is simply awesome.
  • In fact, some aspects of how the elements of nature are created and their existence are beyond our knowledge and comprehension. 
  • Even though we may have many questions and may not get answers to these questions, we should not stop questioning because we learn about nature by asking questions. However, the only one that has all the answers is God. 

Nature is Beautiful

  • The poem clearly highlights the marvels of nature and shows that nature is beautiful.
  • Therefore, we should appreciate it and not take it for granted. In fact, we should take time to appreciate and enjoy its beauty.
  • The poet uses a variety of images to show the beauty of nature by drawing our attention to different elements such as the green grass, the fluffy white clouds, the shining twinkling stars, the multi-colored rainbow and the crescent-shaped moon.
  • All these elements of nature are a means of bringing awareness that nature is beautiful and should be appreciated. 

Lessons Learnt

Nature Should be Appreciated

  • The poet successfully portrays nature through the eyes of a child. Since children are innocent, they look at nature as it is and appreciate it. It is this appreciation that the poet wants to highlight.
  • In short, the five stanzas are all about appreciating nature and its elements. More importantly, the poet does not want us to take nature for granted. She uses various images to bring out this appreciation and to show that there is a balance in the  way nature has been created.

God is Our Creator

  • This poem shows that God is our Creator. God is responsible for creating this beautiful natural environment. 
  • The poem, with its natural setting, shows many facets of nature and how the various elements interact with each other to bring out the beauty of nature.
  • The first five stanzas shows God's handiwork and power. This is evident because there are some aspects of nature which is just beyond our control.
  • In the last stanza, again we see God's power because as humans, we may not have answers to all the questions on the existence of nature. 

Tone and Mood

  • The overall tone of this poem is of wonder, inquisitiveness and childhood innocence.
  • The mood that the speaker conveys is of being happy, captivated and child-like innocence as she explores the many elements in nature.
  • The child in the poem is awed by nature and ponders by asking questions. The many questions posed relate directly to her curiosity.
  • Both the tone and mood conveyed by the speaker is related to her questions about nature. For example: 'I wonder why the grass is green', 'And why the wind is never seen?', ' Who taught the birds to build a nest' etc.
  • Towards the end, the speaker shows her slight disappointed when her many questions are not answered by her father. 

Structure and Style

  • There are six stanzas in the poem I Wonder.
  • Each stanza has two lines. Two lines in a poem are called a couplet. So this poem has six couplets.
  • The rhyme scheme used by the poet is aa, bb, cc, dd, ee and ff.
  • This means the last word in Line 1 rhymes with the last word in Line 2.

Stanza 1
  • The last word 'green' (Line 1- a) rhymes with the last word 'seen' (Line 2-a).
Stanza 2
  • The last word 'nest' (Line 1-b) rhymes with the last word 'rest' (Line 2-b).

  • The next interesting style used by the poet is the questioning. Every couplet ends with a question.

O, when the moon is not quite round, Where can the missing bit be found?
Who lights the stars, when they blow out, And makes the lightning flash about?
Who paints the rainbow in the sky, And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

Literary Devices

Poets often use a number of literary devices to create a certain impact. In this poem, the following are some of the main literary devices employed by the poet.


  • When a poet repeatedly uses consonants, this is called alliteration.
  • In this poem, one example of alliteration was used
Example: Line 1-'green grass'


  • When one wants to make a comparison of things, we use metaphors.
  • Similarly, in this poem the poet used some metaphors to stress the meaning.
 Example: The word 'fluffy clouds' is a metaphor. This metaphor shows that the clouds in the sky are soft and fluffy.


  • The poet uses imagery to tell the readers about the different aspects of nature.
  • In this poem we see a number of visual imageries.
  • The image of trees resting (Line 4) - And told the trees to take a rest?
  • The image of the painted rainbow (Line 9) - Who paints the rainbow in the sky?
  • The image of flashing lightning (Line 8) - And makes the lightning flash about?
  • The image of stars being lit and blown out (Line 7) - Who lights the stars, when they blow out,
  • The image of someone hanging up the clouds so high (Line 10) - And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

^.^ you are pretty and handsome strangers ^.^


Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS) 



Kemunculan PAS dalam sejarah politik tanah air telah bermula semenjak 23 Ogos 1951 apabila para ulamak yang bersidang di Kuala Lumpur bersetuju menubuhkan sebuah persatuan yang dinamakan Persatuan Ulamak Se-Malaya. Nama persatuan ini kemudiannya diubah menjadi Persatuan Islam Se-Malaya (PAS) pada 24 November 1951, dalam satu persidangan ulamak Malaya di Bagan Tuan Kecil (Butterworth), Seberang Prai. Itulah sekelumit permulaan sejarah PAS yang diasaskan oleh para ulamak yang kemudiannya berkembang menjadi sebuah pertubuhan politico-dakwah yang penting di negara ini. Penglibatan dan sumbangan PAS dalam politik negara bermula sebaik sahaja ia ditubuhkan walaupun ramai pengkaji mengatakan PAS hanya menyertai politik menjelang pilihan raya 1955. Kemunculan PAS ini dikatakan hasil daripada silang pengaruh yang berlaku antara beberapa gerakan Islam yang lebih awal seperti Ikhwanul Muslimun di Mesir, Masyumi di Indonesia dan Jamaat Islami di Pakistan. Ketiga-tiga pengaruh ini telah menyerap masuk ke Tanah Melayu melalui para ulamak yang belajar di Mesir, Mekah, India dan Indonesia. Ksedaran yang awal ialah para ulamak atau umat Islam memerlukan sebuah pertubuhan atau badan yang boleh mewakili mereka dalam semua aspek kehidupan terutama dalam keadaan Tanah Melayu sedang dijajah oleh British ketika itu. Longgokan ksedaran ini kemudiannya menghasilkan Majlis Tertinggi Agama Malaya (MATA) pada 1947 diikuti oleh Hizbul Muslimin pada 1948 kesan daripada usaha gigih Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmy dan Ustaz Abu Bakar al-Baqir. Walau bagaimanapun, gerakan Islam yang berpusat di Gunung Semanggol ini terkubur ekoran penguatkuasaan Ordinan Darurat pada Jun 1948.
Para ulamak mengambil beberapa sikap selepas tragedi darurat ini. Ada yang ’tawakuf’ daripada politik kepartian tetapi menggerakkan kesedaran rakyat melalui institusi pendidikan atau media massa. Dalam fraksi yang lain, para ulamak telah mengambil sikap untuk menyertai parti nasionalis UMNO bagi membolehkan isu-isu umat Islam diperkatakan. Beberapa tokoh Hizbul Muslimin seperti Tuan Haji Ahmad Fuad Hassan, seorang lepasan Maahad Ihya Assyariff, Gunung Semanggol telah menyertai UMNO pada 1950 dan dilantik mengetuai Bahagian Agama dan Pelajaran UMNO. Bahagian ini kemudiannya mengaturkan beberapa persidangan untuk membolehkan ulamak menubuhkankan persatuan. Dalam tulisannya, ”Ulamak Malaya Belum Bersatu dan Belum Punya Persatuan”, Haji Ahmad Fuad menyifatkan kedudukan ulamak ketika itu umpama sampah yang tidak dihargai kerana tiada kekuatan. Lebih-lebih lagi ketika itu ulamak telah muak dengan sikap UMNO yang mengabaikan isu pemurtadan Natrah, pengajuran judi loteri, fun fair, kaberat dan lain-lain. Dalam satu persidangan ulamak yang dipimpin oleh Sheikh Abdullah Fahim, Mufti Pulau Pinang di Seberang Perai pada 1951, mereka telah mengeluarkan fatwa mengharamkan judi loteri anjuran UMNO.

Sheikh Abdullah Fahim
Antara pengasas Persatuan Ulamak
Dalam konflik pelbagai yang dihadapi oleh para ulamak dan situasi politik semasa yang masih tidak menuju kepada jalan Allah itu, maka para ulamak membuat pendirian untuk menubuhkan PAS. Haji Ahmad Badawi, seorang ulamak di Seberang Perai telah mengeluarkan satu manifesto yang dinamakan ’Manifesto al-Badawi’ dengan tema ”Ulamak ke Jalan Allah” bagi menyambut persidangan untuk menubuhkan PAS pada 24 November 1951. Mereka memutuskan supaya PAS menjadi sebuah pertubuhan politik Islam yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan melalui landasan demokrasi ke arah membentuk sebuah negara yang diredhai Alah. Para ulamak menolak bentukbentuk perjuangan yang diasaskan berdasarkan ideologi ciptaan manusia yang dibawa masuk oleh penjajah.
Semenjak itulah, PAS muncul sebagai sebuah pertubuhan politik Islam yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara, kemudian menyertai pilihan raya demi pilihan raya. PAS juga menggunakan pelbagai saluran untuk menyampaikan mesej dakwahnya termasuk membentuk beberapa kerjasama politik dengan orang bukan Islam semenjak 1953. Di bawah kepemimpin Tuan Guru Haji Ahmad Fuad Hassan dan Dr Haji Abbas Alias, PAS bercakap soal kemerdekaan yang boleh ditegakkan hukum Islam. PAS menolak kerakyatan jus soli yang merugikan peribumi dan PAS mendesak supaya Islam dijadikan dasar negara yang merdeka.

Dr. Burhanuddin Al Helmy
Pelopor Perubatan Homeopathy dan Bekas Pimpinan PAS
Apabila Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmy mengambil alih kepemimpinan PAS pada akhir 1956, PAS mula memperincikan sikapnya terhadap kemerdekaan yang hendak dicapai yang dianggap ’masih kosong’ dari matlamat sebenar kerana mengabaikan kebangsaan Melayu dan ketuanan Islam1. Hal ini tergambar daripada hasrat Dr Burhanuddin,
”Dalam perjuangan kita (PAS) bagi mencapai kemerdekaan, kita telah dan terusmenerus memperjuangkan Melayu itu sebagai kebangsaan bagi negara Tanah Melayu ini dengan bertapak di atas asas ideologi Islam yang maha suci”2.
Penyertaan PAS dalam pilihan raya 1959 telah memberikan kejayaan besar apabila Terengganu dan Kelantan berjaya dikuasai. PAS membentuk kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh Mohd Daud Abdul Samad di Terengganu dan Ustaz Ishak Lotfi Omar di Kelantan sebagai Menteri Besar. PAS memulakan langkah sebagai kerajaan di dua negeri Pantai Timur untuk menterjemahkan ideologi perjuangannya yang berasaskan al-Quran dan Sunnah. Namun begitu, kerajaan PAS di Terengganu telah dijatuhkan pada Oktober 1961 hasil permainan politik kotor Perikatan. Di Kelantan, PAS berjaya bertahan sehingga BN mendaruratkan Kelantan pada akhir 1977. Dalam konteks ini, PAS-lah satu-satunya pembangkang yang diberikan kepercayaan oleh rakyat untuk memerintah kerajaan negeri di negara ini.
Selepas kejatuhan Terengganu pada hujung 1961, PAS mulai menerima tekanan-tekanan politik seperti penyalahgunaan ISA, penahanan Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmy diikuti oleh sekatan politik, keganasan Pemuda Tahan Lasak Umno dan beberapa siri pembunuhan politik. Perjuangan PAS untuk memartabatkan kebangsaan Melayu Raya berasaskan Islam telah dijadikan kambing hitam dalam Konfrantasi Indonesia pada 1963. PAS menolak pembentukan Malaysia kerana mahukan sebuah negara Melayu yang lebih besar meliputi seluruh alam Melayu dibentuk. Dalam masa yang sama Umno mencanangkan isu-isu perkauman yang akhirnya membawa kepada beberapa siri perbalahan kaum di Pulau Pinang, Perak dan Singapura antara 1964 hingga 1969, dan kemuncaknnya tercetus Tragedi 13 Mei 1969 yang mengubah landskap politik negara. Selepas tragedi ini, Datuk Mohd Asri Muda yang memangku jawatan Yang Dipertua Agung PAS semenjak 1965 telah dilantik sebagai Yang Dipertua Agung PAS pada 1971.

Datuk Asri Muda
Pemimpin PAS yang bertanggungjawab membawa PAS ke dalam BN
PAS memasuki era baru dalam politik negara apabila PAS mula meneroka kerjasama dengan Umno bagi menjamin kestabilan politik negara, mengekalkan ketuanan Melayu dan menyerapkan Islam dalam pemerintahan. PAS menyertai beberapa parti lain telah membentuk Kerajaan Campuran PAS-Perikatan pada 1973, kemudian sama-sama mengasaskan Barisan Nasional (BN) pada 1974. BN mencapai kejayaan besar dalam pilihan raya 1974 dan PAS sendiri telah berjaya menembusi ruang-ruang yang baru sehingga membolehkan Islam di sampaikan ke corong telinga rakyat dengan lebih berkesan. Walau bagaimanapun, keterbukaan PAS dalam membentuk kestabilan politik negara telah disalahgunakan oleh musuh-musuh politiknya dengan melaga-lagakan pimpinan PAS sehingga terjadi krisis politik Kelantan pada 1977. Akibatnya, PAS telah menolak Akta Darurat (Kelantan) 1977 yang menyebabkan PAS bukan sahaja disingkirkan dari BN, tetapi turut kehilangan Kelantan.
Setelah melalui tempoh yang mencabar antara 1978 hingga 1982 di mana PAS terpaksa berhadapan dengan perpecahan, kehilangan kuasa pemerintahan, tekanan ISA dan krisis kepemimpinan, akhirnya PAS telah mengasaskan kepemimpinan ulamak pada Oktober 1982. Tuan Haji Yusof Rawa telah diangkat untuk memimpin PAS bagi menggantikan Datuk Mohd Asri yang meletakkan jawatan. Permulaan era kepemimpinan ulamak memperlihatkan PAS kembali kepada asas perjuangannya untuk mendaulatkan Islam dan memberikan penekanan terhadap kwajipan tersebut. Gerakan dakwah PAS berkembang dengan lebih tersusun melalui pendekatan haraki dan dalam masa yang sama PAS terus membina jambatan dakwah dengan non-Muslim sehingga terbentuk Majlis Perundingan Cina (CCC). Di sudut yang lain, pendekatan PAS telah disambut oleh kerajaan dengan melaksanakan juzuk tertentu daripada Islam seperti Dasar Penerapan Nilai-nilai Islam, Dasar Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah serta penubuhan Bank Islam, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa dan lain-lain.

Us. Fadzil Noor memimpin perubahan besar dalam PAS
Beliau membawa PAS ketengah-tengah masyarakat.
Paling mencabar pada era kepemimpinan ulamak ialah beberapa siri penyalahgunaan ISA yang berlaku pada 1984, 1987 dan 1989, ketimbang dengan desakan PAS untuk diadakan Debat Terbuka PAS-UMNO pada 1984. Dalam kemelut ini, tercetus pula tragedi Memali pada November 1985 yang mengorbankan 14 orang ahli PAS. Tetapi, pada 1987, UMNO pula menghadapi krisis kepemimpinan sehingga parti tersebut diharamkan. Yang Dipertua Agung PAS, Ustaz Fadzil Mohd Noor memanfaatkan kesempatan ini dengan mewujudkan kerjasama politik dengan serpihan Umno, Semangat 46 yang membolehkan PAS berkuasa semula di Kelantan. Ketua Dewan Ulamak PAS (kemudian Mursyidul Am PAS), Tuan Guru Dato’ Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat diberikan kepercayaan untuk memimpin kerajaan Kelantan semenjak 1990. Dengan dasar ’Membangun Bersama Islam’, PAS berjaya melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya untuk menegakkan hukum Allah yang berada dalam bidang kuasana.

Ku Li keluar daripada UMNO lalu menubuhkan Semangat 46 dan bekerjasama dengan PAS dalam pilihan raya
Pada 1996, PAS mula berkrisis dengan Parti Melayu Semangat 46 (PMS46) yang menyebabkan Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah (APU) yang dibentuk pada 1989 berpecah. Dua tahun kemudian, Umno sekali lagi menghadapi perpecahan ekoran pemecatan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang menyebabkan wujudnya gerakan Reformasi. PAS telah memimpin Majlis Gerakan Keadilan Rakyat Malaysia (GERAK) bagi menuntut keadilan kepada rakyat, kemudian menubuhkan Barisan Alternatif (BA) pada 1999. Melalui BA, PAS berjaya merampas semula Terengganu. Timbalan Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang diamanahkan untuk mengetuai kerajaan Terengganu sehingga 2004. Selepas pencapaian lemah PAS pada 2004 kerana momentum Perdana Menteri baru, PAS bangkit semula pada 2008 dengan mengetuai tiga kerajaan negeri dan turut serta dalam kerajaan di Selangor. Kini, PAS dilihat sebagai pencabar utama Umno dalam menguasai politik orang Melayu Islam.

Tuan Guru Hj. Nik Aziz
Ulama' dan Pemimpin yang disegani
Sepanjang tempoh 1951-2008 ini, PAS telah dipimpin oleh tujuh orang Yang Dipertua Agung/Presiden iaitu Tuan Guru Haji Ahmad Fuad Hassan (1951-1953), Dr Haji Abbas Alias (1953-1956), Profesor Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmy (1956-1969), Datuk Mohd Asri Muda (1969-1982), Tuan Haji Yusof Rawa (1982-1988), Dato’ Fadzil Mohd Noor (1988-2002) dan Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang (2002 hingga sekarang).

Tuan Guru Hj Abdul Hadi
Presidan PAS
Para pengkaji yang menganalisis perkembangan PAS ini mengatakan PAS telah mengalami empat jenis kepemimpinan iaitu kepemimpinan ulamak tradisi (1951-1956), kepemimpinan nasionalis kiri (1956-1969), kepemimpinan nasionalis kanan (1969-1982) dan kepemimpinan ulamak haraki (1982-sekarang)3. Dalam pada itu juga, mereka mengatakan PAS telah melalui empat tahap perkembangan iaitu tahap kemunculan (1951-1959), tahap kebangkitan (1959-1973), tahap kemuncak (1973-1977), tahap kejatuhan (1977-1990) dan tahap kebangkitan semula (1990-sekarang)4. Dari sudut pembinaan ideologi perjuangan PAS, dikatakan berlaku tiga fasa iaitu fasa penubuhan dan pembentukan ideologi (1951-1958), fasa pencernaan ideologi (1958-1982) dan fasa pengukuhan idelogi (1982-1995)5.

^.^ you are pretty and handsome strangers ^.^



David Higginbottom pseudonym is Nicholas Fisk. Nicholas Fisk is the author of some 40 books, including many science-fiction titles for older children. He completed his first book at the age of nine and earned money from his typewriter whilst still at school. He dabbled in many fields of work such as acting, playing jazz and illustrating and editing but, as he says himself, "continued to write for anyone who would put me into print." He has many interests including machines, drawing, Victorian artists, growing things and playing the guitar.He enjoys writing for young people but disagrees with the sci-fi label. He says that his books are written from the point of view of IF... "Almost any IF, from self-willed domestic robots to fundamental natural changes in our condition, is a reasonable starting point."He enjoys writing for young people because they find it easier than adults to accept the unconventional.


“One is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk is a science fiction story, set in 2045.  The main character is Trish, an 11-year old girl who is the only child on a spaceship to Trion. Her father is the Executive Officer of the spaceship and her mother is in Trion helping to set up a space station.  She will only meet her mother in mid January 2047.After three months, she feels lonely and bored as she does not have any real friends to talk to except her private, multi-functional diary: the Voice Printer (VP). VP is an intelligent computer which keeps Trish entertained with its ability to perform many functions. Through her dialogue sessions with VP, Trish learns about clones and the cloning process. The idea of cloning fascinates Trish and she soon decides to create a clone to keep her company in the spaceship Bio lab without her father’s knowledge. She names her new identical twin “Clo” and initially it becomes her perfect friend and companion.  They have fun playing and sharing their time together. However, certain mannerism of Clo begins to irritate Trish as the clone behaves and thinks like her.  Soon they start to argue and disagree with each other over trivial matters. The last straw happens one night when Clo starts referring to Trish’s mum as her mum and this upsets Trish as she feels her privacy is being invaded. The next day, Trish opens up her diary and confides in VP that she does not like to be “swamped, invaded and taken over.”  At that instant, she decides to dispose off Clo forever through the “DISPOSAL” hatch near her cabin. The story ends with a twist when it is Trish who is disposed by Clo. Clo then assumes Trish’s identity and Trish’s dad is not aware of the change at all. Clo then enjoys being “one is one and all alone” and her new lease of life as Trish in the spaceship.

  • The story takes place on board of a space ship in outer space.
  • It takes place in 2045.
The plot compromises of the following elements:
1. Exposition
This part introduces the setting, characters and the conflict that is to happen. We are being introduced to the main character, Trish , who is on board a spaceship on a mission to planet Trion. We learn that the story takes place in 2045 and Trish is the only child on board the spaceship.
2. Inciting Incident
This refers to the initial event which triggers the story. This happens when Trish talks to VoicePrinter and learns about cloning and decides to clone herself.
3. Rising Action

Here we discover a series of events that leads to the climax of the story. It refers to Clo's behaving exactly the same manner as Trish such as wearing the same clothes as Trish, repeating the same words Trish uses and having the same thoughts.

4. Conflict

This refers to the main problem. Trish begins to feel uneasy about Clo. Trish  feels that Clo is invading her private thoughts about her mother. This prompts her to reconsider Clo's existence.
5. Climax

The climax is the most exciting part of the story. This is shown when Trish cannot tolerate Clo any longer and decides to dispose her.
6. Falling Action
These events occur after the climax. Trish plans on how to get rid of Clo. She will use one of the five hatches outside her cabin at night. She also plans to write a note to accompany Clo.
7. Resolution

This is the conclusion of the story. Clo is the one who gets rid of Trish. She now takes over as Trish and is happy and satisfied with her decision.

The main characters are Trish, Clo and VoicePrinter. The minor characters area Trish's father and mother and other members on board the spaceship.

Trish, VoicePrinter and Trish's father
  • Trish She is independent and can take care of herself on the 2-year space voyage.However, she feels lonely as she is the only child aboard the spaceship. She is an active child, interacting with the Voice Printer which is also her tutor and  converses with it as if it is another human being. She is smart and can even clone herself with the help of VoicePrinter and the Space Lab. She is single-minded and does thing on her own without the help of an adult. That she did not consult her father or thought through the ethical issues involved in cloning may show some immaturity and irresponsibility. She is adventurous and sort of ' push the envelope' with the assistance and knowledge from the VoicePrinter. She thinks she is smart until she was outwitted by her clone.
  • The Father :A minor character in this short story. He is always busy as he is the executive officer of the spaceship. He is a multi-tasker, talking to Trish as well as perusing computer printouts at the same time. He is caring and looks in on Trish once in a while.
  • Voice Printer : An informative  machine, she provides all the information that Trish requires. In fact it is her reference source and tutor as well. It is a versatile machine and can perform many functions.The Voice Printer is a loyal machine and stays by the side of Trish at all times.

Trish and Clo

  • Clo : Clo has the same character traits as Trish as she is her clone. The name, Clo is a short form of Clone.  She  outwits Trish the original genetic material that she is cloned from.
  • The Mother She is at somewhere in Planet Trion building up a space station. It takes 2 years to reach Trion from Earth.
1.      We must be thankful with what we have.
2.      Friends are important in life.
3.      Any decisions made will have important consequences.
4.      We must make the best of a situation.
5.      We must think before we act.
6.      We should appreciate our own identity.
7.      Everyone is unique.

1.      Life in the space age.
2.      Living in a spaceship.
3.      Loneliness of children
4.      Busy lifestyles of adults.
5.      The uses of machine and loss of human touch.
6.      Clones for company.
7.      The need for companionship.
8.      The need for privacy and private space.

The story is from the first person point of view “I” and this allows the readers to be close to the character’s point of view. It is mainly about the actions, thoughts, feelings and views of the main charcter, Trish.
Technique used by the writer:
1.      Scientifis terms
Printouts, clones, tissues, reproduction, duplicate, Biolab
2.      Contrast
“Now that might sound exciting, but it’s not.”
3.      Word collocation
spilt second. Wide open, face to face, train the thought
4.      Short sentences
Goodbye Clo, Yours never, Trish, over and done with.
5.      Sound words
Whoopee! Yaroop! Yum-yum!
6.      Alliteration
Finished and forgotten, Finally free!
7.      Simile
…bright as button…
8.      Dialogue
Dear Diary, the conversation between Trish and VoicePrinter
9.      Repetition
When Clo has nothing to do, it’s always pick, pick, pick, I mean my mum is my mum, nothing to do with Clo. My mum, mine only.
10.  Exaggeration
There a thousand things on his mind.
11.  Irony
Stop picking yourself,   goodbye Clo, Yours never, Trish.
12.  Strong Language
It’s like being swamped,   invaded, taken over, I can’t stand Clo’s corny jokes and dismal sulks.
^.^ you are pretty and handsome strangers ^.^