boling time
hari ni ada boling .. so dah lama tak main jadi
aku main macam orang bodoh masa first game tapi bila masuk secon game meningkatlah ..
third game aku dapat 127 !! waaa ..
haha .. pastu aku dengan si dia macam walaupun kitaorang duduk jauh sikit la tapi bila aku duduk tepi dia pun duduk tepi bila aku berdiri same to him also when i want throw the ball SAMA JUGAK LOL !!
Synopsis For Form 3 Novel "How I Met myself" Chapter 4-5
-Unknown man
When / where Office ; Office restaurant where he was meeting ; Street where he sought the man unknown man ; Bar ; Outside the house at number 7 Felka utca ; Gergely utcaSummary:
John was anxious to finish the job and keep looking for the unknown man. For John was a long day because he had a meeting in the restaurant office. And they all asked if he was sick but said it was okay that was just concerned about the problems of the campany. After hours he rushed to geet the place where saw the unknown man. The return to the bar and ordered a drink but the bartender asked if he had found the person he soughtt. But he contiuned to ask if he had seen someone like him. But bartender said he knew and remembered well the people who entered the bar. But he replied that there was no one like him. After John returned home. But Andrea had left a note where he said that he had a new student classes. John felt more calm that did not have to keep lying that day. On the night he had another dream where he saw the man again unknown men. He felt worried, confused and he was afraid. John started to arrive later than usual and drink more. Andrea was concerned that her husband is not telling the truth. He felt bad every time because he lied his wife. One thursday he arrived late and foud his wife asleep. And he felt better for not lie one more. But on friday he was a surprise that his wife was waiting for him but she felt bad because she know that something was not right. He looked at her face and realized she was crying and felt bad. Andrea asked once more and embrace it. Then he decided to tell the whole truth. Andrea decided to support him and seek the unknown man. She went to the bar and expect to find the man who says he saw her husband. Andrea is happy that her husband has to rely on tell his secret. In the next day he felt better and more hopeful about the future. John could sleep because he tell the truth his wife. At ten o´clock John and his wife walked aroud Felka Utca. He was really quiet because his wife was with him. With the first person who spoke was the housekeeper. They asked some questions. They returned to the bar and while John took his drink. He told his wife to help him find the answer. Because he know that it is to difficult to understand what was happening.
Synopsis For Form 3 Novel "How I Met myself" Chapter 1-3
-John Taylor (Husband)
-Andrea Taylor (John's wife)
-Unknown person (looks the same as John)
-Hungarian people
When / where It was a Monday in the month of January. ; Narrow streets of Budapest Thirteen District. ; On the street by a bar. ; Office ; School where Andrea teaches Hungarian languages. ; West side of the city from Danube. ; Wine cellar ; Budapest places: where working men meet to drink, talk and smoke.
-John Taylor (Husband)
-Andrea Taylor (John's wife)
-Unknown person (looks the same as John)
-Hungarian people
When / where It was a Monday in the month of January. ; Narrow streets of Budapest Thirteen District. ; On the street by a bar. ; Office ; School where Andrea teaches Hungarian languages. ; West side of the city from Danube. ; Wine cellar ; Budapest places: where working men meet to drink, talk and smoke.
John was walking from his office to his house. It was a very cold day. He came out to the main street. John was thinking about the problem he had with a Hungarian worker. Later, he took another road where there weren't many people. And he was also hoping that his wife Andrea had made one of her nice not soups. After about 5 minutes it began to snow. Later, a strong man came running from a building. The man fell on top of John and he said "Hey, watch where you're going!!" But John was afraid because it was like seeing the same person. John Taylor talked about his life and how he know your wife. He was working in a company from Bristol. He was a computer programmer. He worker with Hungarian people. The company setting Hungarian people take a special language classes with a pretty teacher. Her name is Andrea. His lessons were out of the class. And being so began to fall in love. Eighteen months after they married. John was working on a new office in Váci Utna. Andrea worked at different times of day. Teaching Hungarian workers in different schools and companies. Even she gave private lessons. They lived on the pest side of the city, not far from the Danube. Now he was continue with his story. John was confused because he sought the mysterious man. He ran after him bit found him not. John was surprised because he saw his footprints in the snow but he don't saw the other footprints of the mysterious man. John entered the cellar and asked the bartender if he had seen someone like him. But barman taught him that there was no one else. John asked for a drink and spend some time waiting to see the unknown man. Then return and his wife told him that smelled of wine and smoke. But John said he was with Peter. After trying to sleep but couldn't because he felt confused and afraid of what had happened. Andrea asked her what was wrong but John told him it was only the concern of the work.“ How I Met Myself “ by David Hill.
- Character which inspires you
- Favourite
How would you change the ending of the story?
- Significant event/ events
Sample of answer
Based on one novel
above, write about a theme. Show how
it is portrayed in the novel by giving
details from the novel.
Based on the novel “ How I Met Myself” by David A.
Hill, the theme that can be found is " Love ”.
This theme is significant in
this novel as it revolves around John Taylor and his family. This can be
from the way they take care of each other and stood by their spouses
through difficult times in life. “ Love” is definitely around John
Taylor’s family as Andrea supports her husband through out the journey
of their
life. Never once in her life, that Andrea does not believe in John
Taylor and
his doppelganger.
She is a symbol of a
loyal and loving wife, who stands by her man, no matter what is
happening to him. Finally, “ love” is seen through John Taylor. He is a
responsible father and husband, even if he neglects his family for a
when he is carried away in finding his doppelganger. John Taylor is a
character with full of love and care, he loves his wife unconditionally.
conclusion, “ love” is widely seen in this novel through the characters
of John Taylor and Andrea, his
wife. They are the symbols of eternal love in these modern days, where
love is not a language easily understood
20 Tips melupakan seseorang

Pernah suka dekat someone tak? Dan susah kan nak lupakan mereka yang telah kita sukai tu..
1. Busykan diri dengan buat aktiviti yang boleh membuatkan kita rasa masa berlalu dengan cepat contohnya tolong mak masak kat dapur ,tolong ayah buat kerja takpun ajar adik buat homework.
2. Buat aktiviti riadah dan rekreasi yang boleh menenangkan diri seperti jogging,futsal or body building. Dengan cara ni kita dapat hilangkan kesedihan dan lepas geram dengan cara yang sihat.
3. Mencuba sesuatu yng tak pernah dicuba contohnya selama ni tak pernah tengok korea pergilah layan korea, tak pernah baca novel tiba2 baca novel..*tak pasal2 orang tengah sedih mana ada mood layan semua ni.
4. Jangan layari laman sosial untuk luahkan kesemua kesedihan. Lagi bertambah sedih adalah. Kalau boleh berhenti buat sementara waktu.
5. Kalau tak dapat buat yang atas tu, remove je orang tu dari friend..yelah kalau dia still jadi kawan kita mesti kita asyik nak usha picture baru, baca komen2 dari kawan dia, baca status dia lah..last2 kita yang sakit hati sendiri..alik2 masuk bilik nangis..
6. Buang segala-galanya tentang dia, buang pic dalam fon, mesej2 romantik semua tu
*khas buat perempuanlah sebab diorang ni suka simpan mesej dari someone yang diorang suka sebab masa rindu boleh baca tak? Eeeh jangan2.. takkan nak nangis lagi sebab dia kot!
pergi padam semua tu.. Buang sekali no fon dia..dan kebanyakan orang lebih memilih untuk menukar nombor telefon..
7. Cari crush lain aka suka pada orang lain..kan banyak lagi orang lain kat dunia ni macam artis korea ke, zayn malik ke, justin beiber ke...oooppsss..k jb x ada dalam senarai.. :P cara ni saja dilakukan sebab saja tak nak korang suka someone yang dah lukakan hati korang tu..
8. Cari benda negatif yang boleh buat korang rasa ish menyesal suka dia tu,.*tak digalakkan kerana boleh membawa permusuhan..
9. Luangkan masa dengan keluarga, kawan2 atau anak kucing ke arnab ke ayam ke atau apa sahaja haiwan peliharaan kerana dapat merangsang minda tenang korang..Tapi jangan pulak lepas geram kat diorang..kesian..
10. Dengar lagu untuk merangsang minda tenang.. :)
11. Makan banyak2..ramai kata kalau ada masalah boleh lah pergi makan..tapi hati2 nanti jadi comel pulak awak2 tu ;)
12. Pergi tido...nanti tak lah rasa sedih..bangun tido sedih lagi pergi tido
13. Makan coklat..orang kata makan coklat dapat merangsang mood.. *yang ni diya selalu buat..
14. Keluar berjalan2..kalau perempuan pergilah shopping, kalau laki pergi lepak kat tasik2 tenangkan minda..takpun pergi masjid :)
15. Layan movie kat wayang or download movie secara free dari internet :P tengok youtube ke.. best sikit :)
16. Nangislah jika ini membantu korang rasa lebih lega..
17. Kalau boleh cuba jangan memikirkan si dia..kalau terpikir berusaha untuk hilangkan dia dari fikiran...
18. Pergi ambil air sembahyang..
19. Solatlah..Mohon pada Allah..inilah cara terbaik untuk kita melupakan orang itu dengan cara menangis pada Allah..
20. Nak lagi best pergilah baca Al-Quran..
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