-John Taylor (Husband)
-Andrea Taylor (John's wife)
-Unknown person (looks the same as John)
-Hungarian people
When / where
It was a Monday in the month of January. ;
Narrow streets of Budapest Thirteen District. ;
On the street by a bar. ;
Office ;
School where Andrea teaches Hungarian languages. ;
West side of the city from Danube. ;
Wine cellar ;
Budapest places: where working men meet to drink, talk and smoke.
John was walking from his office to his house. It was a very cold day.
He came out to the main street. John was thinking about the problem he
had with a Hungarian worker. Later, he took another road where there
weren't many people. And he was also hoping that his wife Andrea had
made one of her nice not soups.
After about 5 minutes it began to snow. Later, a strong man came running
from a building.
The man fell on top of John and he said "Hey, watch where you're
But John was afraid because it was like seeing the same person.
John Taylor talked about his life and how he know your wife. He was
working in a company from Bristol.
He was a computer programmer. He worker with Hungarian people. The
company setting Hungarian people take a special language classes with a
pretty teacher. Her name is Andrea.
His lessons were out of the class. And being so began to fall in love.
Eighteen months after they married.
John was working on a new office in Váci Utna. Andrea worked at
different times of day. Teaching Hungarian workers in different schools
and companies.
Even she gave private lessons.
They lived on the pest side of the city, not far from the Danube.
Now he was continue with his story.
John was confused because he sought the mysterious man. He ran after him
bit found him not.
John was surprised because he saw his footprints in the snow but he
don't saw the other footprints of the mysterious man.
John entered the cellar and asked the bartender if he had seen someone
like him. But barman taught him that there was no one else. John asked
for a drink and spend some time waiting to see the unknown man.
Then return and his wife told him that smelled of wine and smoke. But
John said he was with Peter.
After trying to sleep but couldn't because he felt confused and afraid
of what had happened.
Andrea asked her what was wrong but John told him it was only the
concern of the work.
^.^ you are pretty and handsome strangers ^.^